Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Calendar Vegetables

Ismét sokáig leszek távol, és mivel az utóbbi napokban rettentő elfoglaltak voltak a Babelda nővérek, ezért csak ennyi pici hozzászólást tudnak tenni:
A holnapután induló londoni kiránduláson egy színházi látogatást is teszünk, Racine Phaedráját nézzük meg, Helen Mirren alakításában. Helent közismerten mindketten imádjuk, és tervbe van véve egy művészbejárói találkozó is vele. Ezt egy pici ajándékkal szerettük volna ünnepelni (annál is inkább, mert Helen éppen 2 napja ülte a szülinapját), ami az egyik filmjének, a Felül Semmi-nek (Calendar Girls) lett volna a re-make-je. Sajnos csak lett volna, ugyanis a rövid rendelkezésre álló 2 nap nem hogy 90, de még 9 percnyi film elkészítésére is kevés volt. Minden esetre azért képek vannak, és a rövidke videó is nemsokára fel fog kerülni az internetre (hm... mondjuk egy hónap múlva, ha hazajövök). Végül más ajándék készült, ami gondolom szintén nem sokára itt lesz látható. Addig nevessetek egy jót a Calendar Vegetables c. film képein!

I'll be away for long time again and since the Babelda sisters have been terribly busy in the past days, only a tiny post shall appear now:
The day after tomorrow we are setting off for London and our trip will also include a visit to the National Theatre, where we are to see Racine's Phaedra, brought to life by Helen Mirren. As people very well know, we are both crazy about Helen, and we are planning to meet her at the Stage Door. We wanted to celebrate this special event with a little present (esp since Helen celebrated her birthday 2 days ago), which would have been the re-make of one of her films, Calendar Girls. Unfortunately only 'would have been', because the given 2 days were not enough to create 9 mins of film, not to mention 90. But anyway, pictures are available and the short video will be uploaded to the world wide web soon (well.. let's say in a month, when I get home). In the end some other present has been made, which will appear here soon too, I guess. Until then, have a laugh at the stills from the movie Calendar Vegetables!

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

'Allo 'Allo, Makó calling...

... arrived, having eaten lunch. phuh.. tiring things over?
anyhow, yesterday - after a number of affairs - I collected my Babelda sister from the airport at around 9 and having fed her - at HER expense - we set off for Bp by train - at least when it finally came. Half journey was enjoyable, since we owned the whole train, but in the second half we were joined by a funny looking - and disgustingly smelling - fellow who was kind enough to sit right behind my back, so that he got a perfect view of.. "george cloony" :) [sry guys, who don't understand this] ney ney, of my Baba.
The fellow cockroaches with whom I share my flat were lovely enough to welcome my friend, one running across the front hall a long path towards the kitchen. He was tragically killed after this glorious entrance and the funeral was held in the toilet.
We had a late supper while I was applying my new curtains (a bit too short in the end, coz I forgot the size of my window. to be more appropriate, I lost the paper on which I'd written it :)) and I dare say they look splendid.
Baba's phone, a typical German "person" woke us at 7 with the usual cruelty, and I was slightly reminded of a former occasion when a sharp voice had greeted us, shouting "AUFSTEHEN!!!" [again sry for those who dont get this :)]
WE had a run, and got away with just a LITTLE worrying concerning whether we'll miss the train or not. Train journey is hardly worth mentioning, afterwards we were greeted by dad and some minutes later Baba was introduced to the apple of the family's eyes, our most popular member, Micike/Judi/Gücülke/Géza, call her however you wish.
This was followed by a bit of packing and trying on of dresses, a bus journey, and then the luuuuuunch.. (a greatly desired one).
Now, that our babies are not growing bigger any longer in the belly, we feel quite ready to visit Maros river bank and swim in the dirt of the dirtiest river ever existed (ok, not QUITE right... at least I will not admit it, otherwise tüchtig germans MIGHT not go into it).
I must also apologize for the lack of posts in the following days, for we are going on a 4 day trip around Transylvania and south-east Hungary. Hopefully afterwards we can provide you with a long and satisfactory review of this trip.

Hello, this is Baba speaking. I wanted to tell that
a) the cat's name is JUDI
b) it's hot here
c) I started a collection of mosquito bites. I've got one from BP, one from Szeged and one from Makó so far.
d) nem vagyok éhes anymore! :)

Makó city of onions :) [no proper photo found online of the city]

Sunday, 19 July 2009


Mintegy hete szenvedek a régi blogom, a http://www.orsolyka.blog.com/ szerkesztésével, de sajnos úgy tűnik, hogy a szolgáltató (vagy én, de erről nem tudok) megbolondult, minek következtében képtelen vagyok új bejegyzéseket létrehozni az oldalon. De mivel az exhibícionizmusom még mindig a régi és képtelen vagyok magamban tartani a véleményemet, továbbá őrületes vágy él bennem, hogy kivételes alkotásaimat a világgal megosszam, így nem volt más választásom, mint hogy létrehozzam ezt az új blogot. Amennyiben a régi blog ismét működésbe lép, mindenkit tudósítani fogok itt. Köszönöm, hogy elolvastál!

I've been suffering to edit my former blog http://www.orsolyka.blog.com/ for about a week without much of a success, but it seems that blog.com (or I, but I don't know about that) has gone mad, therefore I am unable to produce new posts at the site. But since my exhibitionism is just the same as it used to be, and I still feel an extreme urge to share my exceptional artistic pieces with the world, I created this new blog. As soon as the old one starts working again, I shall inform you here. Thanks for reading!