Monday, 2 November 2009

Az a pártház...

Az a nagy helyzet, hogy ezt az undormány lakóházat, amit Zebegénybe sikerült elterveznem, egy 5-össel jutalmazták. Nem akartam addig feltenni ide, amíg nem osztályozzák, gondoltam, hátha ők is egyetértenek velem, hogy ez rettenetes, de hát nem így történt. Azért megbocsátok, azt hiszem... (tisztelet annak, aki átlátja ezeket a rajzokat, amilyen kis haloványak...)

The fact is that this unbelievably ugly house I designed to the town Zebegény was rewarded with a 5. I didn't want to upload it here until it was corrected, I thought perhaps they also agree with me that this is horrible but it didn't end up so. I guess I will have to forgive them... (admiration to those who understand these drawings, pale as they are..)


  1. Letisztult formák, kissé "kubista" (?) stílus... Látom a betüid, írásod már kezd építészesen szálkás lenni... A rajzokkal jó sokat dolgozhattál, de ezek szerint megérte...Már csak az ablakkeretet kellene lecsiszolni, kikenni folyékony fával és lemázolni újra, hogy a háttérben se találhasson senki kivetnivalót... Gratulálok az alkotáshoz!!!

  2. A bit too square-shaped for my taste. Was that the task? You should design a house which is absolutely outstanding. For example, Yesterday i was walking through a street with the usual German houses (you know them :P ) and suddenly there was one between them, red bricks and just half the size of the others. It looked extremely cozy. That modern stuff is somewhat "cold". It might be the trend of a society where less people care about each other and are not interested in details anymore. Everything has to be practical and effective to the last bit. And I believe that it is the choice of the designers whether they want to follow this trend or work against it. :)

  3. I agree. A house should first be a home (when it's not about state buildings) and therefore I do NOT support the types of houses as this one. But you know, one has to start somewhere. Most people don't realise the how EASY it is to build, furnish, design this stuff. Anyhow, the next one (a block of flats) is now in the process of gaining a complete OVAL shape. I can tell you, it's hard as hell with those walls... spent the whole of yesterday trying to figure out possible furnishings and the result is not outstanding.........

  4. what if you just make the corridor running on the outer walls of the building, then you can have a square-shaped flat inside ;)
